Welcome To The Thinking Schools Federation

The Thinking Schools Federation is a partnership of two schools in which we see staff professional learning as the most powerful vehicle to support our students learning. We represent a dynamic community of empowered learners that have been working in partnership since 2019 and formed a Federation in 2023.

Our Federation is led by our Principal Learning Leader Dr Kulvarn Atwal. We are a Rights Respecting Federation and every adult and student within our schools understands the importance of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our philosophy is that every student and adult is a leader within our Federation. Through collaborative learning and a relentless drive for ongoing reflection, we continue to improve and grow each year. Highlands Primary School has been awarded the Mayor of London’s Schools for Success Award for five consecutive years and has been internationally recognised in its work in supporting school improvement both in London and across Europe.

Whether you are a parent, student, staff member or governor, we hope that our website gives you a clear understanding of what we do and why we do it.

Our aim is to develop every student and every member of staff as an independent, reflective, critical thinker within a curriculum offer that develops strong knowledge and strong skills.

See our seven values by clicking here.